Discount packages
As an STO Garant member, you pay a flat fee per booking of € 12.75. You pay this amount only for those bookings to which the guarantee scheme applies. However, most of our members take advantage of our discount packages, which can save you up to € 4.75 per booking. Take a look at the package options below:
If you have nearly used up your package, arranging a new one is quick and easy. If you haven’t used up all the bookings in your package by the end of the year, you can simply carry them over into the next year. We will be happy to advise on the best option for you.
Calculation examples
Calculation example 1
Number of bookings per year
Cost without a discount package
100 x € 12.75 = € 1,275
Cost with the STO III discount package
100 x € 9.55 = € 955
Calculation example 2
Number of bookings per year
Cost without a discount package
250 x € 12,75 = € 3,187.50
Cost with the STO IV discount package
250 x € 8,75 = € 2,187.50
Calculation example 3
Number of bookings per year
Cost without a discount package
500 x € 12.75 = € 6,375
Cost with the STO V discount package
500 x € 8 = € 4,000
Interested? Take the next step now.
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Our guarantee scheme covers:
Travel and holidays
We are here to serve organisers of holidays, business trips, coach tours, accommodation, etc.
(Non-)chartered sailing
Our members include providers of sailing trips, sailing camps, inland boating, sea cruising, etc.
Various events
We also serve providers of leisure events, festivals, company outings, outdoor sports, etc.
Your activity?
If your particular segment is not included in the above list, contact us to discuss your needs.
Would you like more information?
We will answer any questions you have, on the phone or online.
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Looking for a guarantee scheme without an escrow account?
This popular guarantee fund has 380 members representing a range of sectors.